Virtual Communities and Support Groups
A resource list of virtual communities and support groups for transgender and gender diverse people and their families.
Virtual Communities and Support Groups
Online Communities:
- Trans Advocacy & Care Team: virtual peer support and groups
- Spart*a: for trans and gender diverse people who are or who have served in the military
- TransMentors: support through their Facebook groups
- Aspberger/Autism Network: for people with autism and gender diversity, both online groups and communities
- Trans and Gestating Support Group: Hosted by Moss the Doula, every other Sunday at 3pm EST via zoom
- Trevor Space: TrevorSpace is an affirming international community for LGBTQ young people ages 13-24
- Parent Supporting Parents: Facebook group for parents of LGBTQ+ individuals
Video Meet Groups For Gender Diverse People:
- Ingersoll: Seattle, Washington based weekly support for gender diverse people, led by gender diverse people, Wednesdays from 7-9PM Pacific time
- Identity: Anchorage, Alaska based monthly meet up for gender diverse people on Fridays check the link for the schedule
- Trans Family Support Services: groups for parents and youth
- Trans Families: has several online groups pre-teens, teens, parents, caregivers, family members, and adults
- Gender Spectrum: groups for pre-teens, teens, parents, caregivers, family members, and adults
- American Trans Resource Hub: youth and adult support groups available
- QChat Space: both virtual groups and chats for youth
Video Groups and Educational Resources for Parents of Gender Diverse People:
Parent Support Program: research-supported self-directed learning modules
- Vision’s Virtual Support Group for Parents of LGBTQ Teens: may have additional emphasis on parenting LGBTQ teens with mental health and substance use disorder conditions as well; day and time unpublished, use the link to contact them for more information
- Trans Family Support Services: groups for parents and youth
- Gender Spectrum: groups for pre-teens, teens, parents, caregivers, family members, and adults
- Trans Families: has several online groups pre-teens, teens, parents, caregivers, family members, and adults